Welcome to the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Continuing Medical Education e-Module!
Here, you’ll be able to
- Identify patients in your practice who may be at higher risk of acquiring HIV
- Learn an evidence-based approach to PrEP
- Learn how to prescribe PrEP safely and address logistical concerns regarding PrEP prescribing
This module is part of a research study being done at St. Michael’s Hospital. We ask you to consider participating in this research study. Scroll down to learn more about our study. Before you start the module, we ask that you complete a brief survey.The module will appear after the survey. You don’t have to participate in the study to be able to look at the module. If you choose not to participate in the study, simply answer “No” to consent for participation. A link to the Module will appear.
Please help us make sure we get the best possible information for our study by only completing the survey and module that pertains to you. For example, as a physician, please DO NOT use the link meant for your patient on the front of the card you used to access this module. If you are interested in seeing the learning module for patients, please contact Alex Schnubb at 416-864-6060 x 77105 who can provide you with information regarding the patient’s module that won’t interfere with our study results.
Decentralizing the delivery of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) through family physicians and sexual health clinic nurses.
Principal Investigator Dr. Darrell Tan
Division of Infectious Disease
St. Michael’s Hospital
30 Bond St. 4CC-179
Toronto ON M5B 1W8
(416) 864-5568
Co-Investigators Malika Sharma, St. Michael’s Hospital
Ahmed Bayoumi, St. Michael’s Hospital
Isaac Bogoch, Toronto General Hospital
James Wilton, Ontario HIV Treatment Network
David Knox, Maple Leaf Medical Clinic
Dane Griffiths, Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance of Ontario
Sharmistha Mishra, St. Michael’s Hospital
Daniel Grace, University of Toronto
Arlene Chen, Women's College Hospital
Rita Shahin, Toronto Public Health
Allison Chris, Toronto Public Health
Study Coordinator Alex Schnubb, 416-864-6060 x 77105
You are being asked to consider taking part in a research study because you are family physician who was asked by a patient to participate in continuing medical education (CME) around HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection. Before agreeing to take part in this research study, it is important that you read the information in this research consent form. It includes details we think you need to know in order to decide if you wish to take part in the study. If you have any questions, please ask the study staff. You should not agree to participate until you are sure you understand the information. All research is voluntary.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a method for preventing HIV that involves taking an anti-HIV pill called Truvada® on a daily basis. Although PrEP use is not common in Canada at this time, it is likely that usage will increase in the future. The purpose of this study is to determine how feasible it is to expand delivery of PrEP services to MSM in Toronto in two main ways. The first method is by asking patients to connect their family doctors to continuing medical education (CME) about PrEP, and the second is by creating nurse-led PrEP programs in sexual health clinics.
You are being asked to complete an online module to learn more about PrEP. You may complete the module without participating in the study. If you do choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey at the start of the module. This survey has been designed to find out about more about who is being asked about PrEP, what barriers exist in prescribing PrEP, and how best PrEP access can be expanded. This project will have important implications for public health and the availability of services to people at risk of getting HIV infection. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of PrEP to participate in the survey.
You will also be invited to complete a follow-up survey after 6 months and potentially participate in a focus group to learn more about your experiences participating in this study.
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to fill out an online survey. This survey is confidential. Please do not include your name or any other identifying information other than what is asked in the survey. This survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and asks you questions about your practice and patient population, your knowledge and experience with PrEP, and any barriers or challenges you face in prescribing PrEP. You have the option to not answer any questions which you find confusing, uncomfortable or choose to omit for any reason. You also have the option to withdraw your consent by not completing the survey if you so wish for any reason. If you choose to withdraw, clicking on the “exit and clear survey” button will delete all your responses and close the survey. Once your responses have been submitted you will not be able to withdraw from the study. Your quiz responses will be a source of data as well, but will be de-identified. You will be compensated $50 for your time with an electronic gift card. This will be emailed to you at the email address you provide in the survey.
This study will be complete by approximately March 2019, with results presented and/or published thereafter. Interim study results may be presented throughout the study period.
All responses are confidential, stored in protected files (in locked cabinets in locked offices) and accessed only by the investigators Any personal identifying information (such as your name or email address) will be “de-identified” by replacing your personal identifying information with a “unique code/number”. This unique code will be the same as that used by your patient to link the responses in a unidentifiable way.The principal investigator is in control of the study unique code key, which is needed to connect the study data to you. The link between the study number and your personal identity will be safeguarded by the principal investigator at St. Michael’s Hospital, in a password-protected file on a hospital server behind a firewall. No information identifying you will be allowed off site in any form. Data collected are intended to be used for an academic publication. Some of your written responses may be quoted without including any identifying information. Data will be stored for 10 years as per hospital protocol.
There are no known direct harms to participating in this study. Some of the questions may be distressing, and the explicit language could be offensive to some. If you feel distressed or upset in any way while participating in this study, please contact the principal investigator of the study Dr. Darrell Tan or the study coordinator.
Benefits to you from participating in this study may include gaining some knowledge of PrEP and issues surrounding its use.Upon completion of the module, if you are a member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada you can claim 1 MAINPRO M1 credit for this accredited program. Results of this study may produce new knowledge that is helpful to people planning PrEP programs and policies in the future.
There are 24 questions in this survey.